Starting from £4.00ea
Polo, Rambo & The Twins showing off their new svelte figures after being shaved
Inquisitive yet skittish; these bovines are always keen to say hello. Whether tiptoeing inch-by-inch towards you, comically rubbernecking or blatantly stalking you the entire length of a field, these coos (cows) are endlessly captivating
Cusco none too impressed to learn that he'd just scoffed the last of the cherry tomatoes
Rio & Machu looking every inch the mob boss and his moll, awaiting their daily feed
This sleepy seal had swum all the way from the Netherlands and encamped on the beach for a rest. Not remotely bothered by the two passing walkers and their canine companion, lies nonchalantly scratching and stretching in the sun
This terrible trio of lambs had snuck under a fence in the neighbouring field and ran amok in our garden before running back to their mother. Nothing says springtime has arrived more than lambing season, another Sanday highlight